Member Forms
Member detail update
Complete this form to ensure that all the details are correct on the RFMCF database
Life certificate
Complete this form to confirm proof of life
Debit order
Authorise the Fund to debit your bank account to collect your monthly contributions electronically
New Member Application
Apply for membership with the Fund
Travel Claim Policy
Compensate a beneficiary for traveling expenses to and from SAMHS health facilities
APPLY ONLINE – New Digital Member Application Form
Find the easy steps enclosed on how to apply for membership using the secure and easy online digital application form
Consent Form
By completing the form, the principal member gives the RFMCF and its Administrator consent to provide information to a specific third-party identified by the member
Dependant Application Form
Complete this form to register a qualifying dependant on your membership profile and send it to Incomplete forms will not be processed. Kindly ensure that all the necessary information accompanies the form.
Exception Management Application Form
Application form is to apply for additional benefits for clinically appropriate healthcare needs once standard allocated benefits have been depleted.